December 13, 2009

Two Special Tributes

Filed under: tributes — unwriter1 @ 7:57 am
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The first is a poem dedicated to those that may have lost someone very special. This was written after a three-month old-young lady was called home. Please, take this when you need comfort.

The second is for a special friend that has undergone a lifetime of hardship. Despite the setbacks she has received, you will never catch her without a smile (or something cooking).  Please enjoy.

The Child

There was a small child who brightened everyone’s day

While here on earth gave so much joy, then she went away

A life so short, yet filled with love, she gave freely to all

A heart as big as the sky in a body so tiny and small

Those loved ones she left behind with eyes full of tears

Will forever remember her sweet smile throughout the years

Thank you Lord for the precious gift from heaven you gave

A lovely angel on earth to teach us all how to be brave

Dear Lord as you hold this little angel in your arms

We know she will brighten your day with her charms

The stars in the heavens will seem brighter at night

Another angel’s smile illuminates the sky with her light

To those who knew this tiny bundle of joy, I pray

Remember she’ll always be in your heart to stay

A life so short, yet gave such happiness to everyone

We thank you God through Jesus your only son

Written by: Angie Hartson

Angels in Iowa

“Who dealt this mess?”

“You did.”

It’s game night.

“Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, RC?”

She has cases of each.

“Still hungry?”

This I’m told after eating enough food to feed a family of twelve. Linda sees an empty plate and assumes the person is still hungry. For a game night with four players there will be at least four different desserts, more appetizers than at a cocktail party for all the employees at Disneyland, and enough drinks to float an aircraft carrier. Hungry is not an option at her place. Ok, it’s not an option if she is anywhere nearby.

“Good game, even though we went set, again. Let’s take a food break. I haven’t had anything to eat after those last two hands.”

Heaven forbid someone goes without food for over a half hour. But, don’t hold this against her. She has good reason for feeling this way. Money was tight as she and her brothers grew up. Christmas dinner was an un-spiced, unsalted, boiled chicken. Going without was too much the way of life for her. That would change when she reached adulthood. She became the salt of the earth and very spicy. She is also the food bank for the family.

I have known Linda but a short time. But it takes little time to see just what kind of person she is.

The green house the kids built.

No, they didn’t build it, but it was turned from a house to a home with hours of work. Bare walls became murals. Killer whales floated everywhere. Da Vinci would have been proud of the scenes. As they toiled, a young lady across the street wanted to help but could not lift nor paint. But she could cook, and she fed this army. No one went hungry and the house became a showplace. Tis unfortunate that water is relentless.

The great flood of 2008.

Loss was the word of the year. Water went to thirteen feet. Salvage was all that was left. Not undaunted, Linda kept everyone fed, she could do no more. But yet, that simple act of kindness was felt deeper than any river could go. It was the beginning of change for many. What is the value of material things? This was the time for family to come together. It was time to regroup. It was here that I rejoined the family.

There is a history behind some of this, but it need not be delved into. What happened though, does. The house, the home the kids built, was gone. The home Linda had, was gone. Everyone lost physical things, but the spirit was strong. Without saying a word, it was Linda that kept the highest spirits. It was time to rebuild.

Linda Beltz should have been the weakest link in the chain. As a four-time cancer survivor, it was her strong spirit that pulled everyone else up. A new house in a flood free area gave Linda a new base of operation. With a bigger kitchen and basement to match, it did not take long for her to buy out the stores when the sales were in progress. Every event, from birthday parties to moving in parties, was well attended by gifts from this angel of mercy.

The day of the big move.

Everyone had to be out of the FEMA trailer today! The house was finished the day before and the next day would be Thanksgiving. It was crunch time. By the truckload, the trailer was emptied and the house filled. Working from the time they got up until late at night, it was finished. They were so busy that they forgot to eat. Not a problem. Linda sensed this and brought her truck filled with soups and the fixings. She followed this feat with an equally large contribution the following day, Thanksgiving.

This is a lady that cannot give enough. This is the Angel of Iowa, let us give thanks for the mercy she possesses.


  1. What a touching story, and very appropriate for the season. Loved the verse, too – good to see you back writing and posting, old friend!

    The Old Silly

    Comment by Marvin D Wilson — December 13, 2009 @ 8:19 am | Reply

  2. Beautiful tributes, Ron. Thank you for introducing us to these two angels!

    Comment by Joyce Scarbrough — December 13, 2009 @ 9:06 am | Reply

  3. Excellent writing. I know you are busy with your granddaughter and she comes first, but as she grows there will be more time for your writing. Later this year you should be able to give her paper and crayons of her own so that she too, will start to learn the joys of writing.

    Comment by Judy H — December 13, 2009 @ 9:17 am | Reply

  4. Wonderful tributes to wonderful beings, my friend! Your writng skill is improving greatly–but your messages are by far the most wonderful! Welldone!

    Comment by Joyce A. Anthony — December 13, 2009 @ 9:34 am | Reply

  5. Wonderful tributes, Ron. Thanks for sharing.

    Comment by Carol — December 13, 2009 @ 2:04 pm | Reply

  6. Wow, what wonderful tributes, a tiny angel in heaven, and a grown up angel on earth.
    Inspiriing reading Ron.

    Comment by Margaret Tanner — December 13, 2009 @ 3:35 pm | Reply

  7. Thanks for all the Angels,Ron.and God bless the Angels.
    I see tremendous growth in your writing.It’s time you catapaulted to a book deal instead of from a Navy carrier.

    Jay Hudson

    Comment by Jay Hudson — December 13, 2009 @ 3:47 pm | Reply

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